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Do you have an idea, project or initiative that you think safeword can help bring to life? We accept unsolicited proposals for collaborations from individuals, groups, collectives and organizations working in all mediums.


Our submissions form is not exhaustive, informal and easy to fill out. Here are some general guidelines to follow:

  • This is not a place for actor/artist headshots or solicitations for general services. We only accept proposals that are centered around a specific project, event, idea or creative impulse. We definitely want to know who you are and what experiences you’ve had, but your proposal must include information and details about how you want to collaborate with safeword.

  • This is a shared resource and therefore, we only accept two (2) proposals from the same applicant per calendar year (January 1st - December 31st). 

  • We like to build relationships with collaborators so please don’t submit proposals that have urgency attached to them or a pressing deadline. 

  • Once submitted, you should receive a response within three (3) months. We can only realistically support a small number of projects at a time and there is an abundance of talent out there that deserves recognition. Please know that we see you, we are grateful that you are sharing with us, and we are always happy to hear what you’re up to even if we cannot support you at this time.


Note: Any information or materials disclosed in your proposal will be kept confidential and not shared or distributed without permission.


Respondents will be required to sign in to Google when accessing this form. To fill out the form, click the submit here button below:

Copyright © safeword 2024

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